Militia Dead Links
These are no longer accessible. Please notify us of updated URLs.
United States Theater Command Communications
Center Published by Dave Rydel.
America's Republic Militia Claim to
have activists in 43 states as of June, 2001.
First Virtual Volunteers Warriors of
the World Wide Web.
Militia Directory Another directory
from theMinuteman Press.
Militia Web Sites Link collection.
Ernie's Militia/Patriot Links Links to
various patriot pages.
Radical Right Patriot/Militia Links
Links to various patriot sites.
Sovereign's WWW Content Page Links to
various patriot sites.
Jeff Chan's Militia Collection A
collection of articles and documents on the militia.
Alternet Militia Archive A very good
collection of articles and materials related to the militia movement, including
material on Rep. Helen Chenoweth, the Congressional hearings, Samuel Sherwood,
and other subjects.
Patriots Against the New World Order
Totalitarianism Index A number of different essays, including articles
on the militia movement. One is an article by Bo Gritz on the disarming of the
United States.