We talked to a member of the Arizona Militia yesterday, July 6. He informed us that the twelve people that had been arrested were not allowed to have any visitors except for their attorneys. They were also moved out of Phoenix to Florence, AZ, which is about 1 1/2 hours drive away. This seems to be the standard procedure when patriots are arrested. They are not allowed to see family members or have contact with the outside world. Members of the Arizona Militia are making every attempt to contact these people and will provide further information when this is accomplished. All of these people were represented by attorneys at their bond hearing which was held last week. The judge will make his decision on bond for these people as early as Monday. There has been a lot of support for these people in the local area. Even the local press has given them favorable coverage. Two or three of the vipers have class three weapons licenses, which means they can legally posses a fully automatic weapon. The charges on the indictment charging these people with possession of these weapons are null and void. Also none of these people have had any prior arrest before in their lives. Harry P. Bibee III Tennessee Volunteer Militia 2224 Fisher Place Knoxville TN 37920 voice/fax (423) 577-7011 voice (423) 933-8436 (Mike Perrin)(miper1@aol.com) fax (423) 933-1669 Web Page at: http://constitution.famguardian.org/mil/tn/mil_ustn.htm "Warning: Studies have determined that excessive Federal government is dangerous to the health of the Republic. In case of overdose, apply the 2nd Amendment liberally, and induce expulsion of the 16th until swelling subsides. If symptoms persist, see your Declaration of Independence"