The Yale University Student Political Union held a debate Thursday evening, October 26, 1995, beginning at 7:00 PM, on the resolution "That the Militia is a just response to government abuse." The principal speaker for the affirmative was John Trochman, leader of the Militia of Montana, who is touring New England, visiting militia units and patriot groups in the region.
Following the traditional debate format, four student debaters then took turns, two arguing the negative and two the affirmative. After each debater spoke, members of the audience posed questions to the debater through the chairman, or "Speaker", for the debate.
Following all audience questions, the members of the audience were asked to stand to show their support for each side of the resolution. A majority voted for the affirmative.
After the debate, the meeting broke up into a number of spirited small group meetings. There was a general sense that support for the concerns of the militia movement were overwhelming, and a great deal of sympathy for it was forthcoming. Trochman was interviewed by several reporters, and the event was videotaped by local news media.
Also present at the event were Leroy Crenshaw, a leader of the militia movement in Massachusetts, and Jon Roland, the activator of the militia movement in Texas, who presented the Yale students with photo repro masters of the "Texas Militia Papers".
The Yale Student Political Union meets weekly, usually on Wednesday evenings, at various locations around the Yale campus. For more information call Justin Nelson, 203/436-0615. A set of minutes of the meeting can be obtained from the Secretary, Jason Tepperman, at PO Box 205128, New Haven, CT 06520. Jason can also be reached by email at
John Trochman, who testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, will be speaking on Saturday, Oct. 28, at the Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, Hamilton Road, Sturbridge, MA, at 2:00 PM. Take MA Pike to Exit 9 (Sturbridge), then 20 west, first right onto New Boston Road, go 1.8 miles, left onto Hamiltion Road. Hamiltion Rod & Gun Club will be on the right. A $10.00 donation will asked at the door. For information call Leroy Crenshaw at 413/783-0101.