Civic Action

When Hitler came for the Jews... I was not a Jew, therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists, I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned. Then, Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church — and there was nobody left to be concerned.
— Pastor Martin Niemoller, Congressional Record, October 14, 1968, vol. 114, p. 31636.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.
— Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)
First, they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they attack you. Then you win.
— Mahatma Gandhi
A ripple here, a ripple there.
Now there's something in the air.
A wave is building in the sea
As we play the game of history.

— Jon Roland, Feb. 1998
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Treatises on civil action

  1. HTML
            Version or Menu Text Version Zipped
            WordPerfect Campaign for the Constitution
  2. HTML Version or Menu Text Version Common Sense, Thomas Paine.
  3. HTML Version or Menu Text Version Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau.
  4. HTML Version or Menu Text Version Zipped WordPerfect MS Word Version The Constitutionality of Civil Disobedience, Harvey Wheeler.
It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. — John Philpot Curran (1750-1817)

General activist links

  1. Remote Link - HTML Family Guardian Fellowship -extensive research. Publish the Great IRS Hoax book
    1. Remote Link - HTML Activism Page
  2. Remote Link - HTML Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) -forms and legal assistance for freedom fighters, including with tax issues
    1. Remote Link - PDF Path to Freedom, Form #09.015
    2. Remote Link - HTML Member Groups*
    3. Remote Link - HTML Activism Map*
    4. Remote Link - HTML Member Locator*
    5. Remote Link - PDF Activism Leader Guide, Form #16.001
  3. Remote Link - HTML Give Me Liberty -Bob Schulz
  4. Remote Link - HTML We The People Foundation-Bob Schulz
  5. Remote Link - HTML We The People Congress-Bob Schulz
  6. Remote Link - HTML Continental Congress 2009-Bob Schulz
  7. WebActive — Guide to almost every known activist group with a presence on the WWW, regardless of their philosophy or agenda.
  8. Protest Groups — Collection of links to groups advocating mass public demonstrations, protests, and civil disobedience, mainly through nonviolent means, mainly against official repression of all kinds.
  9. — Advocate nullification of unconstitutional government actions.
  10. — Institutionalizing state nullification of federal actions.
  11. Honor Quest — Focus on government abuses enabled by official immunity.
  12. Where's the Line America? — State resistance to fedeeral usurpations.
  13. Free Republic — Popular meeting ground for activists, with many message boards and chat rooms.
  14. American Patriot Friends Network — Extensive collection of materials on official corruption and abuse.
  15. In Defense of Freedom — Coalition to oppose "anti-terrorist" legislation that would threaten civil liberties.
  16. Independence Web Page — Links to various patriot and militia-related files.
  17. Nation in Distress — Documentation on abuses and remedies.
  18. Freedom Forum — Gathering point for activists.
  19. What Really Happened — Collection of materials on government coverups.
  20. Breakthrough Energy Movement — Its all about Them not wanting us to get low-cost energy.
  21. Investigating Curious Evidence (ICE) — Investigates and exposes official wrongdoing.
  22. Future of Freedom Foundation — Exposes high-level wrongdoing.
  23. Full Disclosure — Glen L. Roberts' home page. Get a request form for your FBI file here. Offers a wise variety of publications on privacy, abuses, and other patriot issues.
  24. The Public Eye — Sponsored by Political Research Associates. Much material useful to activists, from the left.
  25. The Patriot Page — Extensive documentation. See especially the mysterious deaths associated with Bill Clinton.
  26. BrussellSprouts — The Mae Brussell Library and Collection.
  27. Wolfe's Lodge — Dedicated to the writings of Claire Wolfe, Patricia Neill and other lovers of liberty.
  28. The OMEGA File — By Branton. Presents what might be called a "standard model" of conspiracy theories.
  29. Due Process — Network of investigators and paralegals who help in tax and banking matters.
  30. Liberty's Educational Advocacy Forum — Self Help Legal Clinic.
  31. Advocates for Self-Government — Libertarian site.
  32. Impact Voters of America — Grassroots activist network.
  33. The Heartland USA — Patriot site centered in Kansas.
  34. Don't Just [Not] Vote — Encourages citizens to get more active.
  35. American Patriot Network — Some good material on federal and state jurisdiction, the Buck Act, the "missing 13th amendment", and authority for federal taxes. Formerly the Itus Group.
  36. Original Intent — "Restoring the Republic ... one Citizen at a time"
  37. Constitutional Guardians of America — Seek to remove lawyers from nonjudicial elected office.
  38. Patriot Caucus — Constitutional compliance and legal reform effort based in Massachusetts.
  39. Free to Choose — Dedicated to the ideas of Milton and Rosa Friedman on free market economics.
  40. Institute on the Constitution — Constitutional education effort based in Maryland.
  41. Bill Of Rights Political Action Committee — Founded by Liz Michael.
  42. California Grand Jurors' Association — Mostly composed of former grand jurors, who seek reform of the grand jury system.
  43. — Opposes legislation to limit campaign contributions and require disclosure of contributors.
  44. Californians Against Corruption — Oppose corrupt politicians and the ways they use campaign finance laws to retaliate against reformers. [cache of inactive site]
  45. Sovereign Citizen Resource Center — Argues that people are citizens of the states, not the United States; uses the term "common-law state" to designate this. Also argues people are exempt from all federal firearms licenses, and urges people to revoke their Social Security numbers and refrain from using Zip Codes.
  46. Citizen's Forum — Argues that there is a difference between being a "US citizen" and a "state citizen." Also contains links to other sites.
  47. BEHOLD! Newsletter — Material on citizenship issues. Includes an interesting but unsound legalistic analysis of the meaning and status of the 14th Amendment.
  48. International Action Center — Founded by former U.S. Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark.
  49. — Richard A. Viguerie's Conservative Headquarters.
  50. CAFRman — Comprehensite site on Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports of investment assets held by governments.
  51. Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) — Walter Burien's site on the assets of state and local governments that most people don't know about.
  52. Regulation Home Page — A comprehensive source of regulatory studies, statistics, & information.
  53. North Caucus of America — Seek return to rule of law, with emphasis on right to keep and bear arms.
  54. World Community Educational Society — Their efforts to educate people about financial management, global banking, asset protection, private contractual trusts, and self-sufficiency have brought them official harassment.
  55. Americans for Historical Literacy — Seek to renew interest in founding principles.
  56. Cryptome — Much useful information, such as about current litigation.
  57. In Your Face — Haven for dissidents, fighters, freemen and constitutionalists.
  58. Constitutional Review Committee — Promote constitutional compliance.
  59. LibertyHaven — Materials on classical liberalism.
  60. Minuteman Press Online — Online newsletter on patriot issues.
  61. Iam4Guns2 Survivalist Home Page — Pro-RKBA site.
  62. Rmplstlskn's Web Site — Another patriot site.
  63. Sovereign's Web Page — Reject usurpations of power by government.
  64. The Sovereign Patriot Group — Another patriot site.
  65. Minuteman Press On-Line Newsletter — The name says it all.
  66. Boston Tea Party - Next Generation — Carrying on the legacy.
  67. Corrupt Government — Collection of materials on government corruption and abuse of power.
  68. Stew Webb — Styles himself as a "federal whistleblower", claims criminal conspiracies among high officials.
  69. CiViC USA — Citizens Inspiring Victory by Impeachment of Corruption.
  70. — Encourages whistleblowers.
  71. America's Bulletin — News the mainstream media won't carry.
  72. Sovereign's WWW Content Page — Collection of links
  73. The Armed Genius — Kevin McGehee's Archive.
  74. Greater Things — Scriptural approach to constitutional study.
  75. West El Paso Information Network — Regional focus.
  76. Jefferson Party — Archive published by Ralph Kermit, Winterrowd, containing much useful material.
  77. Free America — Archive published by Harry Martin.
  78. F. Orlin Grabbe's Home Page — Much material on official corruption and abuses.
  79. F. Orlin Grabbe's FTP Archive — Much material on official corruption and abuses.
  80. Conspiracy Planet — News and commentary on elite conspiracies against the rest of us.
  81. Anti-State — Opposes large oppressive government.
  82. The Great American Assessment — Forum for discussions of constitutional issues.
  83. Human Rights Now! — Site of civil rights attorney Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
  84. John G. Otto's Archive — Much material on official corruption and abuse.
  85. Barefoot's World — Bob Hardison's archive of useful links.
  86. Save a Patriot Fellowship — Large collection of source documents, important court opinions.
  87. Patriots for a Constitutional America — John Dulaney's archive on corruption and abuse.
  88. Patriot / Law Publications — Collection of documents on dissident legal issues.
  89. National Security — Structural, Moral, Economic, Domestic, International, by Guy G. Wooten.
  90. Right Side of the Web — Much of interest here.
  91. The Conservative Corner — Many links to some good sites.
  92. What Really Happened — Michael Rivero's site, disclosing and exposing.
  93. National Impeach Clinton A.C.T.I.O.N. Committee — Want to impeach and remove President Clinton.
  94. The Architecture of Modern Political Power — Collections of writings and links from Daniel Pouzzner.
  95. The Righter — Constitutionalist site of Sarah Thompson, MD, from Utah.
  96. The Libertarian Enterprise — Excellent articles and other resources.
  97. Libertarian Links — Extensive collection.
  98. Barkayren's Site — Numerous links on constitutional and reform issues.
  99. Dukes Global Links — Collection of links to all kinds of useful sites, with an emphasis on reform issues.
  100. Sovereign and Free — Useful information and tools for patriots.
  101. Semper Liber — Focus on organizing patriots in Colorado.
  102. The Common Sense Collection, by Peter Hauer — Attorney Hauer is also the point of contact for the Alameda County, California, Militia
  103. Brian's Progressive Pages (formerly Left Side of the Web) — Has much anti-militia material.
  104. Progressive Directories — Various directories to organizations and their literature.
  105. Office of the Public Advocate — Oppose "conservatives" but defend civil liberties.
  106. Progressive Web Sites — Links to sites with a statist or leftist bent.
  107. Berkeley I.C. list — Links to various activist groups and efforts.
  108. Anti-Fascist Web — These folks tend to be leftists, but we can agree on opposition to fascism.
  109. The Counter-Terrorism Page — Links to various terrorism related sites. Includes a few militia links. Tends to see militias as part of the problem, when in fact they are part of the solution.
  110. 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time — Centered on book by same name by Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen. They take a seemingly flip approach to some serious subjects, but do a good job of raising a lot of questions.
  111. Reforming U.S. Military Secrecy — The Cold War is over, but secrecy goes on. Are things being hidden from the public that they need to know? Is the Constitution being violated under the cover of "national security"?
  112. What I Think — Collection of excellent essays by Lila Hoffman-Thorne, particularly "Law Enforcement is Not War".
Power goes to those who show up in sufficient numbers. — Jon Roland (1998)

Voting abuse

  1. Citizens for Leaders with Ethics & Accountability Now! (CLEAN) — Investigate vote fraud. Have online photographic evidence of ballot altering.
  2. Citizens For A Fair Vote Count (CFVC) — Clearing house for vote fraud investigations.
  3. Voting Integrity Project — Seeks reforms of the electoral process.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. — Theodore Roosevelt (Sorbonne, 1910)

Judicial abuse

  1. Remote Link - HTMLFamily Guardian Fellowship-legal and administrative activism against crime and injustice
    1. Remote Link - HTMLLaw and Government Page
      1. Remote Link - HTMLSection 9: Challenging Jurisdiction
      2. Remote Link - HTMLSection 14: Legal and Government Ethics
      3. Remote Link - HTMLSection 14.4: Judicial Ethics
    2. Remote Link - PDFCitizens Rulebook-jury nullification
  2. Remote Link - HTMLSovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
    1. Remote Link - HTMLHow Judges Unconstitutionally "Make Law", Litigation Tool #01.009
    2. Remote Link - HTMLLegal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014
    3. Remote Link - HTMLPolitical Jurisdiction, Form #05.004
    4. Remote Link - HTMLPresumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Jurisdiction, Form #05.017
    5. Remote Link - HTMLFederal Jurisdiction, Form #05.018
    6. Remote Link - HTMLWhat is "Justice"?, Form #05.050
    7. Remote Link - HTMLRequirement for Due Process or Law, Form #05.045 (member subscriptions)
    8. Remote Link - HTMLUnlicensed Practice of Law, Form #05.029 (member subscriptions)
    9. Remote Link - HTMLCourt Sanctions, Contempts, and Defaults, Form #05.019 (member subscriptions)
    10. Remote Link - HTMLWhat Happened to Justice?, Form #06.012
  3. A Matter of Justice — Seek to bring activist groups of all kinds together to help one another achieve reforms.
  4. Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (JAIL) — Seeks to make the judiciary accountable.
  5. Victims of Law — Tries to organize those who have suffered judicial and other legal abuses.
  6. Immunity Watch — Focus on sovereign and official immunity abuse.
  7. Nonpublication — Seeks judicial accountability by requiring that all decisions be published.
  8. Rule of Law — Defends against threats to constitution, especially unpublished nonopinions and inherent power sanctions.
  9. Schroeter Constitutional Justice Center — Focus on access to justice and the courts.
  10. Sovereignty International — Focus on geographic jurisdiction issues.
  11. — Chronicling the high cost of our legal system.
  12. Doug Schafer — Idealistic lawyer, active in exposing judicial corruption.
  13. Legal Reform Now! — Working to correct abuses in legal system.
  14. Facing the Sharks — Examines how corporations corrupt the judicial system.
  15. Criminal Prosecution Reform — To expose prosecutorial Corruption and related loss of constitutional rights.
  16. Corruption, Torture, Criminal and Human Rights Violations — Examines corruptiion of the judicial system.

Also see Jury Reform.

People commonly seek to avoid the burdens of duty, but it is ill service to humanity to relieve them of their responsibilities. — Jon Roland (1997)

Legislative abuse

  1. Less Gov is the Best Gov — Advocating for limited government.
  2. Bill of Attainder Project — Oppose the many violations of the constitutional prohibition of bills of attainder.
When you small you gotta fix what you can. — Hushpuppy, Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

Executive abuse

  1. Above Top Secret — Uncovering government conspiracies.
  2. Cop v. CIA — Mike Ruppert's investigations of CIA corruption and abuse, especially narcotics smuggling.
  3. Cop Block — Investigates and exposes criminal wrongdoing among law enforcement personnel and agencies.
  4. Twisted Badge — Investigates and exposes criminal wrongdoing among law enforcement personnel and agencies.
  5. Get A Warrant! — Virginia Cropsey's collection of materials on abuses of Fourth Amendment rights.
  6. Law and Freedom — William J. Olson's site on U.S. presidential executive orders that may threaten civil liberties.
  7. De-Central Intelligence Agency — Revelations of high-level corruption, especially involvement of U.S. government agencies in the international narcotics trade.
  8. Armies of Repression — Links to materials on abuses by governmental agencies, especially the FBI.
  9. LoDato Report — Notes on investigations of government corruption and abuses, centered on Caribbean island of Dominica.
  10. Innocence Project — Based at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, created by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld in 1992, is a non-profit legal clinic. This Project only handles cases where postconviction DNA testing of evidence can yield conclusive proof of innocence.
  11. Prison Crisis Project — Founded by lawyer and former federal prisoner Roger Roots, works for prison and law enforcement reform.
  12. Veto the Governor — For Californians, mainly about RKBA.
  13. — A comprehensive source of regulatory studies, statistics, & information, including material on the unconstitutionality of applying regulations to persons other than government employees, government contractors, visitors to government proprietary facilities, or users of government proprietary assets, or imposing penalties for violation of other than termination and removal.

Tax abuses

  1. Remote Link - HTMLFamily Guardian Fellowship -extensive research. Publish the Great IRS Hoax book
    1. Remote Link - HTMLTaxation Topic
    2. Remote Link - HTMLThe Great IRS Hoax Book
    3. Remote Link - PDFFlawed Tax Arguments to Avoid
    4. Remote Link - PDFFederal and State Tax Withholding Optinos for Private Employers
    5. Remote Link - PDFGalileo Paradigm
  2. Remote Link - HTMLSovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) -forms and legal assistance for freedom fighters, including with tax issues
    1. Remote Link - HTMLFederal Response Letters
    2. Remote Link - HTMLState Response Letters
    3. Remote Link - HTMLJesus of Nazareth: Illegal Tax Protester, Form #11.306
    4. Remote Link - HTMLLiberty University, Section 2: Basics of Taxation
    5. Remote Link - HTMLForms/Pubs Page
    6. Remote Link - HTMLForms/Pubs Page, Section 1.11.3: Taxes
    7. Remote Link - HTMLSituational References
    8. Remote Link - HTMLTax Deposition CD
    9. Remote Link - HTMLTax DVD
  3. National Institute for Taxation Education (NITE) — Litigate tax cases.
  4. Tax Freedom — Documentation related to tax abuses and remedies.
  5. Zero Income Tax — Argues that wages are not taxable income.
  6. Paul Revere Network — Links to many patriot organizations.
  7. We the People Organization — Oppose income tax as illegal.
  8. Freedom Above Fortune — Site of Joseph Banister, former IRS CID agent who discovered the income tax is founded on lies, and resigned.

Privacy abuse

  1. Remote Link - HTMLFamily Guardian Fellowship-legal and administrative activism against crime and injustice
    1. Remote Link - HTMLProperty and Privacy Protection Topic
    2. Remote Link - HTMLFamily Guardian Forums
      1. Remote Link - HTML5.4  Defending Your Rights
      2. Remote Link - HTML5.4.7  Privacy Protection
      3. Remote Link - HTML5.4.8  PRIVATE (not public) Property protection
      4. Remote Link - HTML5.4.12  Land rights and Lawfully Avoiding Property Taxes
      5. Remote Link - HTML5.6  Legal Activism
      6. Remote Link - HTML6.3  Franchises, Straw men, and Juristic Persons Debate
  2. Remote Link - HTMLSovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
    1. Remote Link - PDF IRS Publication 4639: Disclosure and Privacy Law Reference Guide, Form #11.305
    2. Remote Link - PDF Privacy Agreement, Form #06.014
  3. Remote Link - HTMLSocial Security Policy Manual - Publish Policy Manual on the subject.
  4. Center for Democracy and Technology — Focus on privacy issues.
  5. National Organization for Non-Enumeration (NONE) — Oppose national identification systems.
  6. Fight the Fingerprint — Oppose biomedical identification systems.
  7. The Liberty Alliance Project — Advancing an alternative to a national ID system to avoid identity theft but preserve liberty.
  8. Social Security Number Not Required — Publish Policy Manual on the subject.
  9. ACLU: Social Security Numbers — Page devoted to the abusive use of SSNs and how one can protect oneself against it.
  10. Electronic Privacy Information Center
  11. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
  12. Privacy Times — This one is a publication but we decided to put it here.

Around the World

  1. The Human Rights Act and You — What is happening in the European Union.

Property and Privacy Rights — We have a separate subsite for this large topic.

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