Bookstores and Publishers

The following offer patriotic or hard-to-find materials.

  1. Liberty Fund — They publish important books on constitutional and liberty-related subjects. See particularly their Online Library of Liberty.
  2. Libertarian Microfiche Publishing — Have extensive collection of works on microfiche.
  3. Independent Institute — Publish scholarly journal, The Independent Review, and operate a bookstore with some excellent selections. Based in Oakland, California.
  4. Independence Institute — Offer a variety of publications. Based in Golden, Colorado.
  5. Laissez Faire Books — Division of the Center for Independent Thought.
  6. Unlimited Thought Bookstore, 5525 Blanco Rd. #107, San Antonio, TX 78216, 210/525-0693. — Good source for books of all kinds, especially on patriot subjects.
  7. Brave New Books, 1904 Guadalupe St. Suite B Downstairs, Austin, TX 78705, 512/480-2503. — Good selection of dissident books and other materials.
  8. America's Legal Book Store, 725 J St, Sacramento, CA 95814, 916/441-0410. — Good selection of new and used law books.
  9. Nolo Press Self-Help Law Center — Provider of do-it-yourself law materials, some of them free.
  10. Jurisdictionary — Provides self-help legal materials.
  11. American Professional Services — Provide self-help materials and training.
  12. Deep Politics — A Bookstore for Democracy — Limited selection, but some important ones.
  13. Law Book Exchange, Ltd. — Source for law books ancient and modern. Member of Antiquarian Booksellers of America (ABAA).
  14. Meyer Boswell — Mail-order source for law books, especially antiquarian ones.
  15. Scholars' Bookshelf — Books and CDs of many important scholarly works.
  16. H-Bar Electronic Publishing — CDs in history, military history, military interest and aviation. Also do one-off printing of books.
  17. Crown Rights Book Co. — Do on-demand, one-off printing of books, including some in our online collection.
  18. American Foundation Publications — Reprint classic books.
  19. Historical Document Reproduction, Inc. — Reprint replicas of historical documents of freedom.
  20. The Candidate's Handbook — Classic manual on how to win an election or a cause.
  21. Pro Arms USA — Art prints, memorabilia that support the right to keep and bear arms.
  22. USA Freedom Memorabilia — Document reproductions, art prints, CD-ROMs, books, tapes.
  23. Historical Document Reproduction, Inc. — Offer good color prints of Declaration of Independence and other historical documents.
  24. Paladin Press — Books and videotapes on personal and financial freedom, survival and preparedness, firearms and shooting, martial arts and self-defense, military and police tactics.
  25. Palatine Press — Small publisher of books on justice issues.
  26. Gun Laws /Bloomfield Press — Publish firearm laws of every state and the federal government, online and in print.
  27. Gun Bookstore — Specialize in books on firearm-related matters. Affiliated with Second Amendment Foundation.
  28. Parliamentary Procedure Instructional Materials Center — Aids for the parliamentarian and assembly participants.
  29. — The ultimate online bookstore. If it's in print, you can get it from them.
  30. AddALL — Used and Out of Print book search.
  31. AstroLogos — Print-to-order black and white reprints of rare, hard-to-find and out of print books.
  32. Book Finder — Can help you find rare or out-of-print books.
  33. — Used, rare, and out-of-print books sold here.
  34. L'Ex-Libris — French used books.
  35. Classic editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica — CDs of 11th edition 1910-11, and the first edition (1768-1771), with more to come.
  36. War.Net — Interactive Military Wargaming Network. Live multiplayer wargaming over the internet, using your favorite battle simulation software.
  37. Robert McConnell Productions — Has materials on parliamentary procedure.

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